Add a New Product:
- Login to WordPress
- In the left navigation bar, click on Products
- Again in the left navigation bar, under Products click Add New
Entering Product Details:
- Enter a product Name where it says “Enter title here”
- Below the space for the title there is a text area where you can enter in a short Description of the product
Product Categories
In the right sidebar in the Product Categories section, tick the box of which category the product fits under. You can tick multiple categories if required.
Uploading Product Images
- Under product categories, click on Set featured image. Upload the image you would like as the main product image. Once your image has been uploaded, click Use as Product Thumbnail.
- In Product Images, click Manage Product Images to upload any additional images that you want to add to the product page
Entering Prices
In the right sidebar under custom layout, in Price Control, enter the Price (make sure you do this before adding variations, or you will have to edit the price for each variation).
Underneath product images is the Shipping section where you will enter in the dimensions and weight of the product. Make sure that these details are all entered in before any variations are set up of the product.
Once the price and shipping details have been entered, you can now set up the product variations. Before adding variations, the product must be saved as a draft. Click on Save Draft then go back to the Variation section. You can now set up variations for the product. Simply tick the box of which variations that you would like to include, and then click Apply Variations. Check the new variations to see that the price and weight fields have automatically been filled.
Once these steps have been completed, the product can now be published.